Cosmic Spoon - ramblings of a modern day psychic

Friday, March 27, 2009

Eight Martinis - FREE Remote Viewing magazine

Eight Martinis - Remote Viewing magazine
“What is an "eight-martini" result? Well, this is an intelligence community in-house term for remote viewing data so good that it cracks everyone's realities. So they have to go out and drink eight martinis to recover.” - Ingo Swann

For a while now I (Daz) have wanted to gather and share all the great examples of remote viewing that I see and sometimes participate in, in one place for all to see and share. So I created eight martinis. This will be an online (for now) magazine available for FREE in a downloadable Adobe .pdf format, 2-3 times a year.

So much more great remote viewing goes on in the public domain which is equal to or better than the great (but now a little old and dog eared), Pat Price ‘Crane’ example that we see over and over, that I wanted eight martinis to show these in their full unformatted state so that we can all share and learn from them and our experiences.

So with this, the first issue is complete. It’s around 45 pages, Full colour glossy feel with interactive links, and with these opening articles;

Issue: 1 contains the following:

• Prediction and Multiple Universes
• CRV: From Tool to Application

• Remote Viewing from the Perspective of “Embodied Mind”

• Remote Viewing - So What’s new?

• Ethics in C/RV
• Sharing Experiences
• Do you know RV? - Crossword

• What is the Matrix?

• TDS Remote Viewing from Jesus to JFK

• Medical Remote Viewing

• Remote Viewing Blogs

• Remote Viewing websites

So please download, enjoy and pass on to friends.

Eight Martinis is open to content form all schools of thought, method or teacher. As long as it shows Remote Viewing examples and Remote Viewing being used - we will present it. If you want to submit material for the coming issues then please do - but it has to be example based, current or fairly new and it has to show applications of Remote Viewing.


All the best…

Daz Smith