Cosmic Spoon - ramblings of a modern day psychic

Monday, December 01, 2008

CRV - Remote Viewing Training documents

My name is Daz Smith and for eleven plus years I have been a practitioner of CRV. This is a Remote viewing product designed and created by Ingo Swann and the SRI team during the years 1972-1984 for the U.S. Intel services and Military.

For years it’s been hard to learn CRV and I have seen it being mis-explained and misunderstood many times during this time in discussions and comments. For this reason I have collated some of the important and descriptive documents from both the CIA released archives and from the public domain in one place to help or educate those interested in this trainable psychic method.

Within this file there is:

  • SRI - Co-ordinate Remote viewing (CRV) Technology 1981-83 briefing.
    - from a paper authored by Hal Puthoff and the consultant Ingo Swann.
    I have included a ‘briefing version’ of this paper as it has more explanatory references to the CRV process and the R&D of stages 1-8.

  • Special Orientation Techniques - Stages 1-3
    Author - Hal Puthoff - 1984

    Overview of the first three stages of training with examples.

  • Special Orientation Techniques - Stages 4
    Author - Hal Puthoff - 1984

    Overview of the stage4 of training with examples.

  • Special Orientation Techniques - Stages 5-6
    Author - Hal Puthoff - 1984

    Overview of the stages 5-6 of training with examples.

  • Tom McNear CRV Training notes/manual -circa - 1985.
    One of Ingo’s first and possibly one of his best students training notes/manual in document form.

  • Paul Smith CRV Training notes/manual
    circa - (1996 onwards in the public domain) The modern most well know and used CRV manual.

  • Daz Smith Open Source CRV guide (2005)
    - my 'loose' guide with examples to use with the available material to help explain it better for those attempting to use CRV form the available material.

Click here to download the 10mb 260 page file:


Daz Smith

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